To improve customer service, the German retailer for bicycles "Bonnet" relies on a virtual registration with an integrated queue, which automatically reserves a period of time with the right salesperson. Provided by German-based Sensape, the technology works without an app via pagers assigned by the store and informs customers when it's their turn.
"With the virtual queue, we want to make tight resources such as specialists in the store or, for example, the maintenance shop transparent and assign realistic appointments without long lines forming in front of the entrance," says Artur Lohrer of Sensape. "It also helps Radwelt Bonnet make consultations or pickups safer for all sides in pandemic times." Customers would be able to see the store's current capacity utilization at any time. At the entrance, they get a pager that they can use to join the queue. A pre-selection in the menu can be used to distinguish between different queues, such as in front of the workshop or in-store consultation. At any time, the pager displays the customer's position in the line and forecasts the expected remaining waiting time in real-time. Customers can flexibly structure the time until their appointment in the store. Finally, the pager informs them when there are only a few minutes left to their appointment. "We wanted to avoid customers getting infected while waiting in line, which is why we work with a notification service via pager. Customers then have enough time to get to the entrance and wait in the car or do other shopping nearby until then, for example," says Lohrer.
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