Currently, many restaurant owners are waiting to reopen under restrictions. To help them comply with the requirements, Leipzig-based AR company Sensape has developed a digital tool that aims to optimize the ordering process in the gastronomy sector, promising not only a low risk of infection but also an increase in sales and an improvement in service. Reserving tables, ordering and monitoring waiting times in real time - in the future, restaurant visitors will be able to do all this on their own smartphones. And that even without an app download.
"Guests simply scan the QR code at the entrance or then at the table with their smartphone, and they can either order directly or simply reserve a table at the preferred time if none is free. Service and kitchen staff can then immediately view the orders and can plan kitchen operations in a systematic way," says Artur Lohrer from Sensape. Since there is no longer a need to wait for a service person at the table, he says, foodservice operations can take and process orders and reorders more quickly. "Guests get their second drink quickly, and the restaurant industry is happy about the sales. We designed the solution so that there is no need to download an app to reduce the effort," Lohrer added.
To reduce contact between guests and staff, the digital menu suggests popular dishes and drinks, so guests can usually get by without staff. But if advice is needed, service is just a click of a button away. Once the order is placed, guests can view their remaining waiting time on their smartphone and are notified as soon as they can pick it up, or it is brought to the table. In the event of an infection, contacts can also be tracked in a privacy-compliant manner. To improve processes even further, a connection to cash register systems and receipt printers is planned.
The digital solution can receive up to 90% funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy together with the German Federal Ministry of Finance.
Augmented Reality direkt im Browser - Ohne App und auf jedem Gerät. Unser leistungsfähiges WebAR-Framework verwandelt jedes Smartphone in ein 3D-Multimedia-Center. Erwecken Sie die Umwelt Ihrer Kunden oder Ihre Printmedien zum Leben und nutzen Sie 3D-Modelle, Videos und interaktive Schaltflächen zur Kommunikation.
Intelligente Erkennung, Personalisierung von Botschaften und noch mehr. Die Sensape Recognition Box ist das Herzstück unserer Systeme, das sie so intelligent macht. Die SRB kann mit bestehender Hardware kombiniert oder komplett in Ihre PoS-Umgebung integriert werden.
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