Personal visitor approach thanks to artificial intelligence by Sensape wins 3rd place in the Blooloop Innovation Awards 2021 in the engagement category.
The German company Sensape has placed third in the global Innovation Award 2021 for the experience industry. The awards are hosted by AREA15, pioneers of immersive experiences based in Las Vegas, and Blooloop, the world's leading internet platform for visitor attraction professionals. Sensape won the award for its recognition software powered by artificial intelligence (AI), which enables personalised approaches to visitors of museums, theme parks or zoos based on external characteristics.
"We are thrilled to have placed third in such a large competition with our AI and to be honoured by leading professionals in the experience industry," said Michael Lehnert, Commercial Director of Sensape. Sensape, based in Leipzig, has been developing an artificial intelligence for six years that understands its environment and can react accordingly. It can recognise up to 15 visible characteristics, including age, gender or emotion. Based on this, it plays out suitable content for the recognised target group via an interactive display. This can be personal recommendations or discounts, or interactive photo worlds with augmented reality (AR). Visitors can dive into these AR worlds and equip themselves with 3D elements, take photos and share them directly on social media channels.
The recognition software offers an additional interesting value for museums. If the AI recognises a personality that matches historical fates on the basis of external characteristics, it can transform visitors into a portrait of fate, for example. This makes history even more tangible and personal.
The recognition technology has already been used by many of Sensape's customers from a wide range of industries. For example, for the beverage manufacturer Pernod Ricard, which was able to recommend the right drink to shoppers in the supermarket via AI, which led to a large increase in sales and also a higher social media reach through the resulting photos.
Augmented Reality direkt im Browser - Ohne App und auf jedem Gerät. Unser leistungsfähiges WebAR-Framework verwandelt jedes Smartphone in ein 3D-Multimedia-Center. Erwecken Sie die Umwelt Ihrer Kunden oder Ihre Printmedien zum Leben und nutzen Sie 3D-Modelle, Videos und interaktive Schaltflächen zur Kommunikation.
Intelligente Erkennung, Personalisierung von Botschaften und noch mehr. Die Sensape Recognition Box ist das Herzstück unserer Systeme, das sie so intelligent macht. Die SRB kann mit bestehender Hardware kombiniert oder komplett in Ihre PoS-Umgebung integriert werden.
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