At the OMR Festival 2022, Customer Success Manager Lena Gabold and Marketing Manager Hanna Luise Schubert spoke about the use of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in marketing on the Dialog Stage of DDV and ONEtoONE. Using the example of great campaigns of our customers, they explained the various application possibilities. Here it is available to read the lecture.
Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
Everyone has actually used Augmented Reality (AR) at some point, at the latest with Instagram filters you come into contact with it, or since Pokémon Go AR is probably really known to everyone. But AR is much more than just funny dog ears and tongues or distorted faces. But we all probably already know that, too. Augmented reality combines the real world with a virtual one and can therefore be used intelligently to place brand content in the world of the target group. And in the best case, even directly on their own end device. And since the metaverse has been on everyone's lips, AR is also a relevant topic anyway. We also all know that our user behavior has changed dramatically. We usually can't do anything with flyers anymore, and the next experience is lurking around every corner anyway. In order to stand out as a brand, you have to create an experience that the target group can immerse themselves in, interact with for as long as possible, or stop and even register for the newsletter or share a photo. AR is great for this and brings for example "boring" flyers, out of home campaigns or product labels to life and offers all the immersive information we want or expect nowadays. Many companies are already using AR for their marketing. As a result, the VR and AR industry is predicted to grow up to 40 and 80 percent annually! How artificial intelligence (AI) relates to AR?
This is where Sensape comes in
Sensape is a full-service agency for interactive brand experiences with AR and AI. We have developed, or are continuing to develop, an Artificial Intelligence that can recognize up to 15 external features of people in front of it via a camera stream and react to them in real time. This allows us to respond individually to passers-by, for example, and display precisely the content that is relevant to this target group. We also use AR for addressing and attention, which makes the whole thing even more immersive and allows users to be completely immersed in brand experiences. The AI recognizes people and their surroundings and can thus realistically place virtual elements. This works on any hardware or simply on the user's own smartphone. The areas of application are diverse. Our following customers have already carried out successful campaigns with AR and AI and, among other things, increased their sales by up to 1000 percent, generated 6,000 newsletter sign-ups or playfully promoted the brand to the outside world. More projects can be found here.
Interactive Fan Engagement for Paris Saint-Germain more about the project
Virtual encounter with Guido Maria Kretschmer via WebAR more about the project
900% more sales with augmented reality at the point of sale for RitterSport more about the project
Persona-specific AR worlds in the supermarket for Pernod Ricard more about the project
Automatic product sampling via AR Game at the ski slope more about the project
2000 samples automatically distributed via AR and AI more about the project
Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence can do so much more
Metaverse, print articles brought to life, bringing objects directly into the living room via WebAR or getting to know the target group very precisely via recognition and playing out suitable content in real time - AR and AI know few limits. Contact us if you want to realize an idea for your campaign and one of our experts will get back to you!
Augmented Reality direkt im Browser - Ohne App und auf jedem Gerät. Unser leistungsfähiges WebAR-Framework verwandelt jedes Smartphone in ein 3D-Multimedia-Center. Erwecken Sie die Umwelt Ihrer Kunden oder Ihre Printmedien zum Leben und nutzen Sie 3D-Modelle, Videos und interaktive Schaltflächen zur Kommunikation.
Intelligente Erkennung, Personalisierung von Botschaften und noch mehr. Die Sensape Recognition Box ist das Herzstück unserer Systeme, das sie so intelligent macht. Die SRB kann mit bestehender Hardware kombiniert oder komplett in Ihre PoS-Umgebung integriert werden.
Sie möchten ein individuelles Augmented Reality Projekt umsetzen? Wir beraten Sie gerne und finden gemeinsam eine Lösung.