Sensape, artificial intelligence and augmented reality company from the German city of Leipzig, entered international markets this year and spreads innovative technologies from the Saxon region.
The Leipzig-based company Sensape stands for interactive experiences with artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Founded in SpinLab, the startup accelerator in the old cotton mill in the German city of Leipzig, the company is now represented in a total of 13 countries. The most recent market entry was in the Middle East, and the next target country is India. New product developments, features and an outlook for the coming year were presented during a Partner Day in November.
Sensape internationalized strongly in the last twelve months and continued to develop its products for worldwide projects. For customers such as FC Bayern Munich, METRIX from England, Rheem from Chile and a major French soccer club, the Leipzig-based company implemented, among other things, personal avatars based on persona recognition, individual product recommendations via AI or personal fan photos with the stars. The active sales partners in a total of 13 countries also enable new projects for artificial intelligence in museums, shopping centers or in the sports sector, for example.
"For our international Partner Day, we got all our partners together and talked about the further development of Sensape," says Michael Lehnert, Commercial Director of Sensape. "We are very excited about the coming year and about the numerous projects. We have developed our Artificial Intelligence in such a way that there are many new opportunities for different industries. In addition, we are currently building an exciting partnership in India." Just recently, the company was honored in the area of engagement at Blooloop and AREA15's global innovation award.
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