Photo: smart guiding systems for intelligent wayfinding at GREENTECH FESTIVAL in Berlin. (Photo: Sensape GmbH)
[Press Release]
The GREENTECH FESTIVAL is the largest sustainability festival in Europe and will be held for the first time on the grounds of the former Berlin TXL Airport from June 22-24, 2022. Among the exhibitors are agencies, companies and startups that present their innovative ideas to get a bit closer to the transformation towards sustainability again. One of the exhibitors and also a partner is the Leipzig agency Sensape, which develops digital solutions with artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) for brand communication. With its so-called "Smart Guiding" system, Sensape makes orientation on the GREENTECH FESTIVAL grounds interactive and digital.
"The GREENTECH FESTIVAL is dedicated to future-oriented, technological solutions around climate protection and sustainable development and offers a platform to all those who want to exchange and network about it. In order to make on-site wayfinding as climate-friendly as possible and in line with the zero-waste idea, we as a festival are supported by innovative solutions such as those from Sensape. Sensape's digital modules manage to communicate interactively with the users and enable an immediate and low-threshold integration into the festival." Thimo Schwenzfeier, Head of Marketing & PR at GREENTECH FESTIVAL. The AI- and AR-supported solution draws attention to itself via a mirror effect in which it shows an integrated live camera image. Visitors see themselves with virtual speech bubbles next to their heads. The interactive display features a clickable floor plan and dynamic agenda that visitors can click through. "Pop ups are displayed at set intervals to provide information about the festival. In the future, these pop ups can also be used by sponsors and can be displayed depending on the persona recognized by the AI," says Lena Gabold, who is overseeing the collaboration on Sensape's part. The AI developed by Sensape recognizes up to 15 external features of people standing in front of it via camera stream and can react accordingly in real time. Sensape incorporates this technology in all of its projects, which are implemented worldwide for clients from a wide range of industries.
"The targeted approach emotionalizes the experience with the brand, which is extremely important, especially for topics related to sustainability. With the building blocks of augmented reality and interaction, we create a stronger immersion and anchoring of the messages," Gabold continues.
SENSAPE GmbH, based in Leipzig, Germany, develops and markets products for interactive and intelligent customer engagement. Founded in 2015, the company currently employs 25 people. Its customers include Deutsche Bahn, Rittersport, Oreo, Haufe Lexware, Commerzbank, Porsche and over 300 other medium-sized companies and corporations. With customer installations in more than 30 countries, including the USA, China, Japan, Italy, Spain and Dubai, SENSAPE GmbH reaffirms its international expertise and drive for expansion.
Press contact: Hanna Schubert,
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Further information about the GREENTECH FESTIVAL:
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