Using your own smartphone to place your order directly at the table, get recommendations and quickly reorder. This is what guests at some restaurants in Leipzig and Dresden can look forward to as soon as the restaurants are allowed to open. To improve their service offering, they are relying on technology from the Leipzig-based company Sensape, which even works without an app download.
"Our "Sensape Q&O" solution improves service by making it very easy to create multilingual menus and order directly from your own smartphone. The restaurant business can easily plan its capacities and control kitchen processes in a targeted manner thanks to the digital order overview and the virtual queue," says Artur Lohrer of Sensape, whose digital ordering system will soon be used in the first restaurants such as Villa Hasenholz, Hotel Seeblick and Barceloneta from Leipzig and Dresden. The virtual queue is used when there is no table available or guests simply want to make a reservation. To do this, a QR code is scanned at the entrance and the desired date is selected. If guests opt for the direct queue, they can spend the waiting time away from the restaurant until they are notified by SMS. Meanwhile, they can view their estimated wait time in real time. "The solution works without an app, adapts to the browser language and is therefore accessible. To use the system, we only needed to send our menu card. Once the QR code is printed, it's ready to go," says Miguel Matthes from Barceloneta in Dresden. Those who can't imagine visiting without contacting the staff can call a waitress to the table at the touch of a button, he adds. With the digital solution, the establishments are gearing up for the start of catering in May and want to offer good service despite complying with all regulations.
Augmented Reality direkt im Browser - Ohne App und auf jedem Gerät. Unser leistungsfähiges WebAR-Framework verwandelt jedes Smartphone in ein 3D-Multimedia-Center. Erwecken Sie die Umwelt Ihrer Kunden oder Ihre Printmedien zum Leben und nutzen Sie 3D-Modelle, Videos und interaktive Schaltflächen zur Kommunikation.
Intelligente Erkennung, Personalisierung von Botschaften und noch mehr. Die Sensape Recognition Box ist das Herzstück unserer Systeme, das sie so intelligent macht. Die SRB kann mit bestehender Hardware kombiniert oder komplett in Ihre PoS-Umgebung integriert werden.
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