How we want to make shop windows a new experience

March 2, 2023
Our AI-based augmented reality technology brings interactive product experiences to store windows as well as retail spaces, making retail an experience again. Prototype presented for the first time at Euroshop 2023.
Photo: Gesture-controlled storefront based on artificial intelligence and augmented reality unveiled at EuroShop 2023. (Photo: Sensape)

[Press release]

Sensape's AI-based augmented reality technology brings interactive product experiences to store windows as well as retail spaces, making retail an experience again. Prototype presented for the first time at Euroshop 2023.

Sensape's AI-based augmented reality technology brings interactive product experiences to store windows as well as retail spaces, making retail an experience again. Prototype first unveiled at international EuroShop trade fair 2023.Sensape, a leader in immersive brand experiences with augmented reality (AR) in Germany, unveiled new solutions for retailers at EuroShop 2023 in Düsseldorf, including the "Phantastic Window" and updates to the "Phantastic Promoter." The solutions make display windows as well as retail spaces interactive and consist of a nearly invisible high-tech film, a sensor behind which Sensape's AI is hidden, and a projector that projects augmented reality content around the product onto the display window. The AI uses a camera to recognize 3D position and movements, as well as age, gender and emotions, among other things. Passers-by can thus interact with the content via hand gestures and move it in all directions.

Eight years ago, Sensape was born out of the idea of making shop windows in city centers more lively and, above all, more appealing. However, augmented reality was not as well known then as it is today and met with little response. Today, the Leipzig-based company implements AR projects for companies worldwide and has become a market pioneer. Now, surveys revealed that still only about 1% of retailers use AR. Yet, shoppers said they would buy more if AR was used in the buying process. Product experiences with augmented reality were even 200% more engaging compared to their non-augmented reality counterparts, they said.(1)

"The surveys show that retailers are missing a great opportunity. Consumers want more augmented reality in retail, and we now have a solution that brings the storefront back to the forefront as a marketing channel," said Michael Lehnert, commercial director at Sensape. "The Phantastic Window is not only captivating and engaging, but also offers valuable benefits to retailers," he said. The solution increases company awareness, increases reach on social media through user-generated content and ultimately sales.

"I am excited to support Sensape as they continue to develop their product suite. Retailers now have the opportunity to take the customer experience to the next level. By integrating AR technology, they can engage their customers more emotionally and provide them with a memorable experience," said Alexander Kratz of AK Agency, partner of Sensape.

Sensape plans to launch the "Phantastic Window" during 2023. The prototype was enthusiastically received by visitors to Euroshop 2023. The first customer order is already being implemented.

SENSAPE GmbH, headquartered in Leipzig, develops and markets products for interactive and intelligent customer contact. Founded in 2015, the company currently employs 25 people. Customers include FC Bayern München, Paris Saint-Germain, KTM Racing, Deutsche Bahn, Rittersport, Oreo, L'Oréal, Haufe Lexware, Commerzbank, Porsche, RTL and over 300 other medium-sized companies and corporations. With customer installations in more than 30 countries, including the USA, Great Britain, France, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Chile, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, SENSAPE GmbH confirms its international competence and drive for expansion.
Press contact:
Michael Lehnert,, +49 (0)1579-23 60 18 3

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