How Rivella distributed more than 1 million product samples with AR

June 28, 2022
Augmented reality and Rivella? They simply belong together by now. This year, Rivella is already launching its third campaign with augmented reality powered by Sensape, and we provide an insight into its evolution.

Augmented reality and Rivella? They already belong together. This year, Rivella is already launching its third campaign with augmented reality powered by Sensape and we are absolutely on fire!

This is what we have achieved so far:

  1. A total of over 15 weeks on the road (still counting)
  2. Over 1 million distributed samples
  3. One interaction every 30 seconds

3 Augmented Reality campaigns for Rivella

How it all began...

Rivella wanted to launch a sampling campaign of a special kind. Why not use augmented reality and artificial intelligence? Together we developed an AR game in which players automatically receive a free Rivella at the end. For this, we coupled a drinks machine with our Phantastic Promoter. 
With the AR game, Rivella has been mixing up Swiss ski resorts for 8 weeks and distributed more than 2000 samples. In the game, a virtual straw had to be controlled by head movement in such a way that it remained in the moving Rivella bottles. Quite active - just in keeping with Rivella. Whoever sips the most Rivella until the time runs out wins! But of course nobody went away empty-handed ;) 
But that was just the beginning and we started our multi-year collaboration with Rivella!

--> Here you can find more information about the campaign

New level of approach

What worked well in Swiss ski destinations must also work at Swiss train stations, right? But how do you attract the attention of hurried passers-by? Right, first of all with our well-known Mirror Effect, in which a live camera image is played back, on which passers-by recognize themselves and stop. In the colorful station building, Rivella made use of another effect: audio address. 

"You're so sweet, sugar loses its job!" This and other sayings additionally attracted the attention of the people recognized by our artificial intelligence in a sympathetic way and also made some other passers-by look over in surprise. If a person approached, our so-called Digital Sampler, which now combines an AR display and a beverage dispenser, prompted them to imitate a gesture. If the gesture was imitated, a free Rivella was automatically dispensed. 

During the tour, 2000 samples per day or 3 samples per minute were distributed automatically.

--> Here you can find more information about the campaign

All-around augmented reality experience!

Light in taste, naturally sweet and refreshing. The advantages of Rivella Refresh, the sparkling light variant with 40% less sugar than Rivella Red, are firmly anchored in our Sensape team at the latest after playing the game. The properties of the drink are communicated in a playful way and players are spurred on to top performance! The aim is to burst water bubbles with virtual pins. The bubbles get faster and faster and sometimes a sugar bubble sneaks in between, which must be avoided at all costs!

 But that was not all!

This year's campaign is divided into three stages that start at different locations. Whether at the train station, in the supermarket or on consumers' smartphones, Rivella is picking up everyone with their campaign:

Our Phantastic Promoter is now back on tour and is set up in supermarkets, where it activates potential customers completely independently at the POS. A great example of how AR can be perfectly combined for promotion and sampling. 

The highlight in summer 2022 is our WebAR application, which interactively informs about the benefits of Rivella Refresh through the smartphone. All you have to do is scan the QR code on the label of the promotional bottles! It was launched back in the spring with over 1 million samples distributed at various locations.

Interactive Rivella Refresh campaign at Seedam Center

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Web AR

Augmented Reality direkt im Browser - Ohne App und auf jedem Gerät. Unser leistungsfähiges WebAR-Framework verwandelt jedes Smartphone in ein 3D-Multimedia-Center. Erwecken Sie die Umwelt Ihrer Kunden oder Ihre Printmedien zum Leben und nutzen Sie 3D-Modelle, Videos und interaktive Schaltflächen zur Kommunikation.

Web AR by Sensape. Augmented reality can be used directly on the smartphone without any app download.


Intelligente Erkennung, Personalisierung von Botschaften und noch mehr. Die Sensape Recognition Box ist das Herzstück unserer Systeme, das sie so intelligent macht. Die SRB kann mit bestehender Hardware kombiniert oder komplett in Ihre PoS-Umgebung integriert werden.

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