Festival merchandise done differently - AI individualizes items for WACKEN visitors

August 10, 2022
Krombacher enabled visitors to Wacken Open Air 2022 to create their own personal memories of the event - using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR).
Photo: Via AI, visitors to the Wacken Open Air were able to stage themselves in various AR worlds and take a photo. (Source: SI POS)

[Press release]

At the weekend, Krombacher enabled visitors to Wacken Open Air 2022 to create their own personal memories of the event - using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR).

Everyone has probably taken a merchandise item as a souvenir of a great time. Merch with a very individual motif could now be created at the weekend visitors of the Wacken Open Air at Krombacher. With the help of the AI of the Leipzig agency Sensape, they were able to put themselves in different motifs and then directly order articles with their photo via the provider beyounic.

Whether in the crowd or with the so-called Growling Creatures, a band of endangered species brought to life by Krombacher: among other things, visitors to the Wacken Open Air at the weekend were able to stage themselves in these motifs and have them printed on their very own merchandising articles. For this purpose, Sensape and beyounic have developed an innovative product in which the merch store is directly linked to the experience photo. The photos are transferred to selected articles in the background via API and displayed to the prospective customer as a product suggestion on the personal microsite. With a click, the article opens in the store with its own photo, where it can be further customized and ordered using the editor."Our artificial intelligence provides the basis for a realistic scene in which visitors can pose within a selected motif. It recognizes the 3D position of the person or group in front of the camera and exchanges the background as well as the foreground with festival-related graphics in real time. The different layers create an even stronger immersion and a great authentic photo," says Hanna Luise Schubert from Sensape.

Visitors to the Krombacher booth can choose from different motifs on a large display. The photo taken comes directly to the smartphone via email or QR code and can be downloaded directly from there or shared as user-generated content on social media. In the same place, visitors additionally get a preview of how their personal merchandise might look.

"beyounic stands for unique personalized gifts. The link with the Sensape photo station fits perfectly and allows visitors to order their photo directly on a merchandise item of their choice", "We are happy to have developed a product together with Sensape that breaks the media gap between off- and online marketing with emotions. And not only at festivals but at any kind of event or point of sale, says Benedikt Schäfer, partner of beyounic GmbH.

SENSAPE GmbH, based in Leipzig, Germany, develops and markets products for interactive and intelligent customer engagement. Founded in 2015, the company currently employs 25 people. Customers include Deutsche Bahn, Rittersport, Oreo, Haufe Lexware, Commerzbank, Porsche and over 300 other medium-sized companies and corporations. With customer installations in more than 30 countries, among them the USA, China, Japan, Italy, Spain and Dubai, the SENSAPE GmbH confirms its international authority and the urge to the expansion.Press contact:  Hanna Schubert, schubert@sensape.com, +49 (0)1579-23 60 18 4

Press contact:  

Michael Lehnert, Press@sensape.com, +49 (0)1579-23 60 18 3

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