Digital customer access supports retail and public institutions on the way to normality

May 20, 2020
City library in Leipzig tests digital visitor access management system with mask recognition. It creates attention to the hygiene measures and counts visitors automatically.
Photo: "Recognition of correctly worn medical face masks at the city library of Leipzig." / Photo credit & Source: © Sensape

[Press release]

Digital customer access supports retail and public institutions on the way to normality
City library in Leipzig tests digital visitor access light with mask recognition

After a complete lockdown, retail and cultural institutions are gradually reopening to welcome customers and visitors under strict conditions. In order to comply with these in an uncomplicated manner, the Leipzig-based company SENSAPE GmbH has developed a digital customer entrance. The device will be used from May 5 by Leipzig City Library, as one of the first institutions, to perform an automated customer count, check the correct fit of the nose-to-mouth protection and display other information on security measures before visitors enter the library. With this innovative solution, the Leipzig-based company aims to boost public confidence in protective measures and compliance with them, paving the way back to normality.
"With our digital customer access, we want to support compliance with safety regulations and, above all, encourage customers and visitors to use retail and cultural venues again," explains SENSAPE Managing Director Matthias Freysoldt. "Protecting health comes first and we are proud to be able to make a social contribution on the way back to a normal everyday life with our almost unique GDPR-compliant facial mask recognition."
Further information can be viewed at the following address:
Info and product image:
Video of the mask recognition:

SENSAPE GmbH, based in Leipzig, Germany, develops and distributes products for interactive and intelligent customer communication. Founded in 2015, the company currently has 22 employees. Customers include FC Bayern München, Deutsche Bahn, Rittersport, Oreo, L'Oréal, Haufe Lexware, Commerzbank, Porsche, and over 300 other medium-sized companies and groups. With customer installations in more than 30 countries, including the USA, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Chile, Ecuador, and Dubai, SENSAPE GmbH confirms its international competence and the drive for expansion.
Press Contact:
Michael Lehnert,, +49 (0)157 923 601 83

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